Saturday, 31 January 2015

veggie burger experiment 1/31/15

andy pucko has added a photo to the pool:

veggie burger experiment 1/31/15

the last time i made veggie burgers it was some kind of legume + rice + whatever, formed in a patty and then baked in an oven (to make them easier to store), and then frying them in a skillet to give them some color. they were pleasantly chewy and crispy. This time around i formed the patties and let them set up for a few hours in the fridge, giving them about 7 minutes on medium heat on each side in a ceramic skillet. this go round they were chewy on the outside, tender on the inside, but with enough structural integrity that the patties did go mushy and squeeze out the sides of the sandwich when gripped in my hands. I guess the key to structural integrity is long grain rice and bead cubes in the mix.

via Vegetarian Food and Recipes! {ALL WELCOME!} Pool

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